Louisiana hopes to reduce crime by letting teens conceal-carry guns


Resident Canadian
Dec 1, 2020
Canada's Ocean Playground

This new legislation grants any gun owner over the age of 18 the legal right to conceal carry firearms without a permit or training. This mean that no live-fire training is required for the teenager who can now legally carry a hidden gun on him in public—while being unable to drink at a bar or rent a car.

This is not going to end well...
I wish people would stop with the stupid "can't drink at a bar" bullshit.

Seriously. Anybody that drinks at a bar is breaking the damn law when they drive home, and the vast majority do.

It's a ridiculous measure to hold up as being perfectly OK to do.

At any rate, it won't pass. Similar bills have been up everywhere for decades but they are constantly shot down by federal law that dictates that it is illegal for anyone under the age of 21 to own or even possess a handgun.

It is non negotiable.
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