Loot boxes linked to problem gambling in new research


Resident Canadian
Dec 1, 2020
Canada's Ocean Playground

The new research , commissioned by the GambleAware charity, compiles existing research to examine the strength of links between the in-game random prizes and gambling behaviour. It found:
  • Of the 93% of children who play video games, up to 40% opened loot boxes
  • About 5% of gamers generate half the entire revenue from the boxes
  • Twelve out of 13 studies on the topic have established "unambiguous" connections to problem gambling behaviour
  • Young men are the most likely to use loot boxes - with young age and lower education correlating with increased uses
I seem to remember a whole lot of shit about this a couple to few years ago. I mean it was all over the place and then it just vanished like a fart in a whirlwind.
I believe most, if not all of us, agree with you. It just amazing it took the governments this long.

(btw: good to cya and why am I not surprised you rose from the dark on easter weekend...)
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