Germany moves to legalise cannabis in economy-boosting bid after Merkel departure


Resident Canadian
Dec 1, 2020
Canada's Ocean Playground

The political parties known as the "traffic light" coalition are pushing for a change in legislation meaning the sale of cannabis will be legal for consumption purposes, it is suggested. According to German news outlet Der Spiegel, also citing a report by Funke, a representative of the working group tasked with evaluating the policy change said: "We are introducing the controlled distribution of cannabis to adults for recreational purposes in licensed shops."
That's something we keep looking to do up here but no one has started yet. I'm pretty sure a great lakes cannabis cruise would work. It would have to be "bring your own" but you could stop in several cities with accessible stores. I've even thought of a cool on-board cannabis bar experience called "Pick a Bong" - it stocks the bongs you've wanted to try but couldn't afford.