FAA safety engineer goes public to slam the agency’s oversight of Boeing’s 737 MAX


Resident Canadian
Dec 1, 2020
Canada's Ocean Playground

Jacobsen should have been among the FAA specialists who reviewed the MAX’s critical new flight control software during its original certification, which was largely controlled by Boeing. He’s confident that he and other FAA engineers would have flagged its serious design flaws. He got the chance to do so only after the first crash in Indonesia, in late 2018.

We had a thread about this, where I earlier cautioned against having Boeing's own engineers doing it's own certifications.

There should never have been a cost saving measure that leaves a certification program in the hands of the profiting company..
That's the same thing the pilots union was complaining about as well: that they weren't seeing the different entities come in to spot check training on the aircraft.

Most of them never even received any training at all on the emergency system that caused the crashes. One pilot had his training manual with him that doesn't even have that emergency system in it at all.

It's clear that Boeing ran that program with reckless abandon to get it certified and sold no matter what.

And what do we do? We give them a 70 billion dollar bailout over covid for it. :rolleyes:
Cars are the same way. The air bag debacle, Teslas bursting into flames, SUVs killing people with rollovers, medications fucking people up.

Boeing just got caught. Everybody is doing it.
What's really scary - this is the same thing they've already done in meat plant inspections...
They're doing it in fisheries too. We're getting all kinds of random poisonings from seafood. I still think that big gulf spill and that record breaking red tide have poisoned everything in the ocean within 100 miles of the southeast coast. It's amazing nobody talks about it.
I see your "Kia was to pay $27 million and invest $16 million in safety performance measures" and raise you $900 million

SEOUL -- Hyundai will replace battery systems in 82,000 electric vehicles globally due to fire risks -- a costly $900 million recall that lays bare the thorny issue of how car and battery makers split the bill when problems arise.

The recall is one of the first mass battery pack replacements conducted by a major automaker.