Pink Lemonade Clones

Clone is just a fancy word for starting from a cutting with certain conditions. In this case, mine, all four are sister(?) clones since they all came from the same motherplant. The mother was allowed to go to fruition so we can't clone this particular plant again. People try to clone from a plant if they find a good one since going to fruition means plant death. Remember the discussion of the 24hr/day light to one plant that is never left to seed? That would be the mother plant, clones are the children taken by cuttings - you know that genetically they are the same except for environmental growing changes.
Take a cutting of the end of a branch or tip of mainstem and put it in water to root. Transfer to soil. Alternatively, take the cutting and dip it in rooting powder and put it directly into soil. Once it takes hold (roots) you have a clone of the parent plant. If you take four cuttings from the same plant you have four clones.
Mu understanding is these are referred to as F1. Clones from them would be F2. A clone from an F2 would be an F3, while a clone from the original motherplant would still be an F1. Each cloning generation inroduces slight changes to the orginal but sometimes the F (higher) creates something you want as a new motherplant. It can be a long process but there are rewards.
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I've tried both. Both worked well. I would go water if they were going hydro in the end. If your going to finish in soil then go the powder (I should clarify it can be powder or a liquid). When you take the cutting try to get it into water asap until ready to powder and plant. When your ready to powder/plant then re-cut the stem at the bottom at a sharp 45 - 60 degree angle, dip in the powder and then into soil. I've found roots as soon as day 2-3 but they generally take about a week to 10 days to cling properly.

The powder shouldn't be any more then 5-10 bucks

Here's what I use.

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Yep. Some people use a foam collar made from pipe wrap. No need to buy fancy ones. Buy a length of 1/2" foam pipe wrap and cut it yourself to look like below (make a spiral)


I've simply made a deeper small hole in an expanded peat starter.

You don't need big leaves on it just some small ones. When I cut I ususally drop 2" below the first shoot from the end of the branch and then trim off the large end leaf(ves).

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